Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Website

Exciting news ... today after a whirlwind turnaround we have proudly launched our new website. Its been a work in progress (actually still is) but we are really proud of it .. not only that, but we have twitter, utube and blog capabilities too ... its so exciting.

All the more mediums to share our stories and work from the islands we run programmes on and daily activity in the SPAW whanau ... we are building a great team of people who are helping us drive this amazing grass roots kiwi charity forward at a rapid speed - watch out the Pacific, we are headed your way!

A huge thanks to Gavan from Alternate Instinct for providing his services for free saving SPAW several thousand dollars in website development fees (which we couldnt afford anyway) and also to the team at Miru and Lovebyte for their contributions to our new fab webpage!

So keep an eye out on SPAW activity via our new website, utube and twitter ...

Malo ....

The team at SPAW